Google Workspace refers to a suite of applications that includes Docs, Sheets, Slides, Forms and Draw. They are cloud-based applications Program Area Teams should use to create online documents, which can be worked on together in real time and stored on Google Drive. Program Area Team members will be able to work on and access their documents from any computer, anytime, anywhere.

Visit the Google Learning Center to learn about Google Docs and other applications you are interested in learning more about.

NebExt Enabled Google Account

To use Google Docs (Drive) it’s important to do so using an NebExt.Org enabled Google Account. There are important advantages in doing so, Nebraska Extension faculty and staff will be included in a single domain, which will make it easy to identify others in Nebraska Extension with whom you want to share files, as well as the ability to share files and collaborate.

To obtain your NebExt enabled Google account email Linda Tempel. Please note all NebExt enabled Google Accounts will be named