News Release Writing

Five steps to write a news release:

  1. Identify the Key Information: Determine the most important information you want to convey in the news release. This includes the main message, relevant facts, quotes, and any key details that are essential for the audience to know.
  2. Craft a Clear and Concise Headline: Create a headline that grabs attention and succinctly summarizes the main point of the news release. Keep it brief and to the point, using strong language to entice the reader to continue reading.
  3. Write a Compelling Lead Paragraph: The first paragraph should provide a brief overview of the news story, answering the who, what, when, where, why, and how questions. This paragraph should hook the reader and encourage them to read further.
  4. Provide Supporting Details: Use the following paragraphs to provide additional information and context, expanding on the main points introduced in the lead paragraph. Include quotes from relevant sources, statistics, and any other relevant details that add depth to the story.
  5. End with a Strong Closing: Conclude the news release with a strong closing paragraph that summarizes the key points and reiterates the main message. Include any relevant contact information for further inquiries, such as a media contact person's name, email address, and phone number.

    Curious to see an example? Take a look at this file, which includes comments from Cara Pesek, Director of IANR Communications.